
Honey is not far from the sting.
Fran Santini has a secret she keeps from her family. During the day, she works as a waitress, but at night, she is a honey
trapper for the Peace of Mind Agency, working for women who suspect their partners are cheating.
Travis O'Connell is minding his own business, enjoying a pint of Guinness at his local pub, when he is accosted by Fran
who believes he is her intended target. After all, he has a goatee just as his 'wife' described.
Fran, a hopeless honey trapper, fails to realize she has set up the wrong guy. What's more, when the penny finally drops,
she is forced into a compromising situation, begging the question: can Fran's job stay a secret for much longer?
At the risk of incurring the wrath of Fran's brother, Antonio, Travis finds himself attracted to sultry Fran Santini.
Will the secret draw the couple together or drive them apart?

When Stephanie Baynham comes home to Wales , the lover she ran out on nine months ago, Dylan Pryce-Jones, is waiting at the
airport for her.
Will he understand why she left him without warning, during the afternoon of Matt and Sandy's wedding celebration?
Later, she returns to her apartment and finds a threatening message scrawled on her mirror: "You're Dead!" Could
her life really be in danger?

When Sandy Perkins encounters an awkward customer, sparks fly. Making matters worse, the 'customer' later reveals himself
to her as new boss, Matt Walker.
Can Matt heal the rift with Sandy to help thwart the evil stalker threatening her life? Will Sandy finally allow herself
to fall in love again?